Yin Yoga and Tea Ceremony | Diana Wassef and Patrick Manian

DATE Saturday Dec 7

TIME 4:00 pm > 6:00 pm

PRICE $ 30 | 45.000 LP

REGISTER unionsquareyoga@gmail.com


Why Yin & Tea?

This combination is the antidote to the chaotic pace of city life. In this time of revolution we deserve a relaxing evening to quiet the mind in order to proceed with clarity.

Imagine an hour of delicious long held yoga poses to let go of any tension and stress in the body. Yin teaches us to find stillness in any discomfort and to use the breath as a tool for relaxing our minds, organs, joints, tendons and parasympathetic nervous system.

This is followed by creating a circular ceremonial space in which to share tea, the sacred plant that has been cultivated in Asia for thousands of years in order to produce the calm yet awake state of mind which is perfectly suited to meditation and contemplation.

After three cups of organic living tea sourced from China in silence we close our two hours together with time to converse, share our experiences and connect with each other in this time of upheaval.



Diana is a multi-disciplinary practitioner raised in Lebanon & currently residing in Brooklyn. In NYC she certified in Reiki I & II, Kundalini Yoga & Meditation, Acupressure and Yin Yoga to heal, transform & better serve herself & others.

Diana is also the creator & designer behind sustainable ethical fashion Emily Cremona. Designing healing clothes that are disguised as fashion, by using material that is is kind to the skin & the environment.


Patrick has been practicing Zen meditation for over ten years. He lived at Dai Bosatsu Monastery in 2012 to practice Zen intensively. Through dharma friends, he was lucky enough to discover tea’s ability to intimately convey the meditative spirit while visiting a Taiwanese tea hut. He has also been studying Martial Arts at Brooklyn Aikikai since 2013 a discipline which also investigates mediation in motion through Aikido, Zen, weapons training and breath work. He looks forward to silence and mind-blowing conversations over innumerable cups of tea with friends.

Patrick & Diana have been married for one year residing in Brooklyn with their cat Umpa & dog QiQi. They enjoy stretching with the pets alongside a cup of tea!