DATE: Saturday September 24, 2016
TIME: 6:00pm > 8:00pm
PRICE: $30
Yoga is a journey in time. The way we directly perceive time is through our body. Our cells replicate, regenerate, play a specific role in the body, exhaust and get recycled by specific organs that also go through the same proce
When we practice Yoga, we enhance our vitality, our fire (postures), our air (breath), our water (blood) and our earth (bones) elements in each cell of our body. What binds everything together is awareness, presence, center, focus. You name it!
Crystals are also elemental formations in time. They resonate with a certain frequency giving them the ability to heal, straighten, protect, bring light, help transform and remove blockages. Hence they stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms and bring our being into a state of balance and harmony.
In this gathering, we will build crystal palaces and practice together, each in his/her own palace. We will approach our bodies in a way that is guided by the crystals and allow our energies to dance symbiotically with the intention to straighten, balance and harmonize.
Come open to this exploration and let us have some fun!
A self journey that started consciously from a major in Molecular Biology and Genetics, Maya’s path led her to a graceful shift as she danced her way into the universe of Yoga since 2006. She went for her teacher training in 2008 and was called to start sharing this passion early 2009.
She followed other heartfelt calls to Greece (Thai Yoga Massage and Prenatal Yoga), India (Ayurvedic Massage & Panchakarma), Nepal (Vipassana), Thailand (Therapeutic Thai Massage) and Peru (Personal journeying).
On the way, she was and still is inspired by many tools that nature was laying on her path. Crystals were one of these wonders along with other balancing / healing sense related modalities.
Every training she received and practice shared have been parts of an ongoing process of unfolding and nourishment. A journey of connection and being part of the whole, in the “heart”.