Autumn Wellness Yoga Workshop * Maha El Sheikh


TIME: 10:00 am > 12:00 pm
PRICE: $30

This workshop will celebrate the change of seasons this Autumn. The change from summer to fall serves as a lesson in “letting go”, moving from light into darkness and transforming challenges into deeper understanding and healing. This session will integrate Ayruvedic principles into our asana and meditation practice.


Maha has been a student of yoga for more than 12 years, and has been sharing her practice with others since 2010. She is a certified yoga teacher from White Lotus Foundation in Santa Barbara, CA, and continues to study asana, pranayama, and yoga philosophy under Rama Jyoti Vernon. Her practice and classes explore the integration of yoga into daily life as a means for individual, family, community and social transformation. At the heart of her practice and teaching are the concepts of seva (Sanskrit for selfless services) and al ouna (coined by Arab farmers and villages meaning community sustainability and aid for one another), and she is currently deepening her study and exploration in yoga, mindfulness and social justice.

She is deeply committed to ensuring accessibility to the practice of yoga to all, especially in the Arab world. She has taught in community centers, refugee camps, health clinics and schools, and co-founded Farashe Yoga, Palestine’s first yoga community center. Her classes are a mash-up of various styles, however all with a focus on alignment, breath, therapeutics, and laughter.