Sonic Journey into NEWNESS (A New Moon Special Edition) | Danielle Abisaab

DATE Thursday January 23

TIME 6:00 pm > 8:30 pm

PRICE 50.000 LP

REGISTER | This class fills up in a flash and spots are limited

Human beings are attracted to novelty: to probe the ‘adjacent possible.’ We didn’t stay in the caves. We didn’t stay on the planet, and soon we won’t stay within the limitations of our biology. We move forward. We transcend our limits. We go to the moon, and we create the Internet”– Jason Silva

This Sonic Journey Special Edition takes advantage of the powerful New Moon in Aquarius to work closely within its forth-moving and groundbreaking principles. A New Moon is a time of fresh starts, bringing with it a keenness to look ahead while planting new seeds. This one’s particular signature is calling us to become less reactive and more proactive.

As you may have already noticed, the times are undeniably pushing for newness, and we have no choice but to heed the call to avoid further entrapment in the obsolete and non serving old ways. As we continue to witness the further dissolving of many structures we have relied on in the past, physically and non-physically, individually and collectively, it is important that we consciously loosen our assemblage points while allowing them to remain flexible. By flexibly, yet confidently choosing to move into the unknown, a complete and marvelous reordering of our world awaits.

When a situation that is not to your liking arises, which world would you rather be living in? The one where you dwell on that situation in despair and lament on your fate, or the one where you get to pull your sleeves up and do something about it? When you think about the future and its uncertain nature, would you rather drown in fear and anxiety, or relish in the vastness of infinite possibilities? Would you rather remain entrenched in ideas of lack and limitation, or trust that you are supported to transcend this reality and jump into one that is more aligned with your innate power?

Sonic Journeys are designed to help us reposition our narrative in regards to these questions and perhaps take a quantum leap into the fluidity of unfixed beliefs and expanding realities. They teach us to drop in a space of non-judgmental presence enabling growth in our capacity to attain the level of awareness needed to move into a space of “adjacent possible”

If any of this reverberates some truth, come and immerse yourself, in the sounds of ancient healing instruments. From gongs to singing bowls, tuning forks, drums, chimes and more, these overtone-emitting instruments resonating in concert with the music in your cells, will activate the body’s natural healing systems, clear the subconscious, calm the mind, and transport you into a field of infinite NEW possibilities.

With Love and Harmonics

Danielle Abisaab