upside-down-world-21-e1346015744388SATURDAY DECEMBER 20 / 10:00 AM > 12:00 PM / RIMA RABBATH – JIVAMUKTI NYC / Register union2yoga@hotmail.com

Inversions. Turning upside. Bringing the heart above the head. These practices can be unsettling and can give rise to incredible fear. Why would we even want to balance on our forearms, stand on our hand or imagine our hands holding us up? Because the only way to know ourselves is to come face to face with what scares us, to go deep into those places where we cannot pretend and then to look directly at what’s threatening us. As the great spiritual master Pema Chödrön reminds us: “A further sign of health is that we don’t become undone by fear but we take it as a message that it’s time to stop struggling.” Whether you are struggling with inversions, really good at them or anywhere in between, join Rima for a two-hour practice where you can work with rather than struggle against. This class will involve partner exercises so there always will be someone who’s got your back!

photoRIMA RABBATH was born and raised in Beirut. While working in Brand Management at Colgate Palmolive, she took her first yoga class at Jivamukti. She was immediately taken by the beautiful exchange and genuine interaction people from all walks of life could experience together on their mat. “Realizing that there is a blessing to a living person that can never be approximated by books”, she found master teachers to learn from within the Jivamukti lineage.

An Advanced Certified Jivamukti Teacher, Rima teaches at the NY School, mentors at the Jivamukti Teacher Trainings and is very active in the Apprenticeship Program. Her classes are vigorous and infused with her warmth and sincerity. Her teachings draw on the unique experiences of her background.

Rima is extremely grateful to her teachers, Sharon-ji and David-ji. The method they have created brings out all that is perfect in the practitioner so that one can see others as perfect. Their compassion, optimism and courage are an inspiration to every living being. She is forever thankful to Lady Ruth – her mentor and dear friend. Her unwavering dedication, her sweet wisdom, her poignant kindness have shaped Rima in the most profound ways.

To all the yoga students for showing up on their mat, they make the teachings clear and teaching yoga precious. To her family who has encouraged her to seriously train and play tennis as a teenager so as to realize early on the value of a daily practice and the freedom one finds in discipline.