danaworkshopSATURDAY MAR 22 / INTIMATE WHEEL / 4:00 PM > 7:00 PM / DANA SARHAN

A woman’s relationship to her own mind and body is erotic first; that her existential excitement at being alive and responsive to the world around her is sensual first before any triggering by the partner – Naomi Wolf

This workshop is designed to pull you out of your comfort zone where magic is know to take place. Come and explore ways to better understand the intricacies and intimacies of relationships, starting with the one you have with yourself.

Learn about your own body-mind circuitry, and how your sexuality influences all aspects of your life. Find fulfillment and wellbeing, and explore the practice of mindfulness as a path to improve your life. Start by having a relationship with yourself. The purpose of this workshop is to psycho-educate and enhance awareness of one’s own body, mind, and well-being. We will explore different aspects of sexuality starting off with the female biology, mind-body circuitry. Interactive activities regarding the ISIS wheel will be held.
The ISIS wheel is a representation of each person’s spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical elements that make up our being. Basic concepts and approaches on sexuality such as the Eastern Tantric philosophy vs. the Western philosophy will also be discussed.

Other topics that come in hand, such as how to maintain desire and intimacy in long term relationships or sexuality in menopause (two topics that are usually of interest to women in previous workshops) which may be of interest to participants can also pave the way to better discussions.

Beloved Men, stay tuned, because we have every intention of including you in the next workshop. For now, we are just making sure your women get in the groove.
There will be champagne and chocolate.

To register please email

Dana is a psychotherapist and researcher specialized in couples and sexuality across cultures. Holding a Master’s degree from UMass Boston, she is a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and a member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) and the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT)