She will rock your kids pants with her sweetness and passion for teaching the younger ones. (read bio below)
MIDI KIDS YOGA (7 to 12 years) starts Wednesday Sep 14 * 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm / Register on day of, sms only + 961 70 758 788 as per following format: < full name and time of class >
Children encounter emotional, social, and physical challenges or conflicts just as we adults do, a dedicated and intentional yoga practice that includes breathing techniques, behavioral guidelines, and physical postures can be incredibly valuable for them and will undoubtedly help them sail through the inevitable storms of life with more ease. Establishing a mind-body connection as they assume the poses, becoming aware of the breath, learning to concentrate, learning to act or react to situations at an early age are among the best gifts you can offer a child as it will yield to constant self-discovery and inquisitiveness later in life, not to mention self-esteem and self-respect.
Need we specify you would also be doing the world a favor by shaping your offspring into a vehicle for kindness and compassion.
Yoga is the journey of the self, within the self, to the self.
-The Bhagavad Gita
About me
My name is Nicole Farah; I graduated in 2011 from NDU Loueizy and received my BA in advertising and marketing. A few years down the road, I discovered that I don’t belong in that field so I quit my job with no plan B. I was hoping to work in something that I love and that would benefit others. After an enlightening yoga practice one day in 2014, I decided to travel to India and receive my Hatha Yoga teacher’s training. I stayed at PadmaKarma institute in Kerala, and learned many values from my dedicated teacher, Padma Nair.
Having a passion for teaching, I’ve been devoted to share my experience and expertise, by offering private and public yoga classes for adults and kids.
Moreover, to develop a better communication base with people, and have a deeper insight on how the mind of a human being learns, perceives and is conditioned, I decided to dive into the Psychology realm, and am currently a 2nd year Psychology student at The Lebanese University.
My Vision
Is to seek growth through continuous learning, and to share the gained knowledge.
I aspire to integrate yoga as a technique in cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy and reduce the usage of pharmaceutical drugs for kids and adults.
I hope to create a ripple of positive changes that aim towards a healthier and brighter future by focusing my efforts on crafting psycho-social activities for kids and counseling future parents on how to raise children.
To Wrap it up
I realize that the path towards this vision coming to light is challenging and would not be possible without the collaboration of many parties who share the same dream.
I believe in creating opportunities rather than waiting for them to come knocking, I take this as a chance to say: Let’s put our hands together and create the change!
Thank You