64398ba1bfed081eb867b00bb6c91ea5VALUABLE REMINDER At USY, we believe Mondays don’t have to suck anymore, specially if you kick it off with a morning yoga class
NOT A MANIC MONDAY new class starts JUNE 3rd 10:00 AM with Layal 

M otivate
O ptimism
N ourish
D elight
A chieve
Y oga

Designed to get your Monday mojo kicking and your juices flowing, this class mainly focuses on creating space in the body through active and conscious extensions. A perfect opportunity to start the week with a sense of grace and strength.

Caters to all levels. Specifically suitable for beginners
Register with Layal on + 961 3 288 569 the night before or by 9:00 am on day of, at the latest.