Please join USQY founder Yoga Holic Danielle Abisaab for Restorative yoga class, alongside musician Jana Saleh on live piano.
TIME: 5 pm to 7 pm
PRICE: $ 40
Register ****SPOTS LIMITED
Fact: Beirut city can be a fierce place to survive even for a yogi. The proven way out of the madness is to go in, create space, unwind, dream and let go, so we can move forward to receive new inspiration. Known as the dessert of the yoga practice, and aside from inducing a trippy “soul-ular state, Restorative Yoga is a static flow groove designed to release all the beasts lodged in our joints and surrender to the now,
Props will hold you, poetic words will soothe you, and harmonious music will rock you gently into deep quietude. A true massage for the heart and soul.