DATE: Saturday Dec 3 and 10
TIME: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
PRICE: 25.000 LP or scratch one class off your card
A dynamic flowing experience that takes you through a modified Ashtanga series. Prepare to move and sweat during this vigorous physical practice, where you’ll feel like you’ve truly earned the savasana at the end. Vinyasa Flow will leave you feeling uplifted, energised, and floating for the rest of the day. This class is open to all levels. Modifications and options are provided throughout the class for individual needs.
Naqiya is a 200-hr, Yoga Alliance approved, registered yoga teacher. She trained in London with The Yoga People, specialising in Ashtanga Vinyasa. It was amid a busy freelance London lifestyle that she realised how invaluable yoga was to keeping her physically and mentally on point. Having moved to Beirut in September 2016, she is eager to share her practice with others and bring calm to the chaos of this wonderful city. Find out more at