
SATURDAYS JULY 12 / 26 / AUGUST 2 / DEE EL NAJJAR / 10:00 am > 12:30 pm / Register

Practicing yoga is not about assuming the full expression of the pose, but rather to take the long road; which allows for plenty of play along the way.

In our time together, I really would love to take everyone sharing one space on a journey where
absolutely everything is experienced: the stillness of meditation, the life force of pranayama, the
challenging flow of vinyasa, the fortitude of holding postures for a long time, the playfulness of arm balances and inversions, the inner journey of Yoga Nidra, and the beauty of experiencing what it’s like to allow something and someone to give us a helping hand through partner work or intelligent use of props.

I would like this to be an open level workshop for those who are relatively new to inversions (and /or yoga) or advanced practitioner who are well into their practice.
I would like to help unleash our inner goddess and awaken our inner ninja to not only help demystify every pose by breaking it down anatomically but also to cultivate the attitude that nothing is out of reach.

Wouldn’t it be blinding if, in just 2 hours, we can glimpse at what it’s like to discover aspects of ourselves that are truly expressed through understanding our own body mechanics, our breath, and flowing together, giving and receiving on the mat with ease, balance, deep compassion, sensitivity and plenty of love?!

My intention is for people to step off the mat back into their life with a sunnier approach to everything.
My aim is to practice with precision and attention to alignment, to unite the breath to movement, to experience beautiful asanas, but to also immerse everyone in giggles, to celebrate and honor each others uniqueness while connecting with the one spirit that unites us. Dee El Najjar

deeportraitDEE EL NAJJAR BIO
In 2006, I suffered a debilitating knee and shoulder injury caused by years of ice climbing and mountaineering.
Taking my matters into my own hands, I started to practise yoga a few times a week, and soon after, I fell under its therapeutic spell. I didn’t understand the spiritual side of yoga at the time, but I felt a bizarrely mystic power which drew me to this ancient practise and I gradually immersed myself in its many schools. I practised Ashtanga, Hatha and Yin yoga, Pranayama and meditation. Eventually, my mat became my haven, my friend, and my safe place away from life’s chaos. My body was as good as new and my injuries were completely cured.
In 2011 I decided to start my yoga teacher training journey with a trip to India. I travelled to Bangalore and met incredible yogis, and on my quest to get closer to the source of this intense spiritual practise, I discovered that the source was in fact ME!… After many long years of practise, I finally felt Yoga…
I returned to the UK and embarked on an intensive teacher training program with the British Wheel of Yoga, an alignment based school,
I will be an everlasting student and will continue to learn about myself and about Yoga every single day. My wish is to share a mat with as many people as I can because I hope that when we go deep into our physical body and experience what wonders it is capable of, we go deeper into our mind and start seeing wonders in everything around us. We collectively spread the Yoga Love and create a wavelength of peace which will resonate deep within each and every one of us ~ Dee El Najjar /