Saturday April 9 / 10:00 am > 1:00 pm / $40 / Register union2yoga@hotmail.com
If you missed part I of this Workshop which was held on Saturday February 27, well we want you to know you missed out on pure kick ass goodness. The good news though, is we intend on keep going with more valuable tools to help you understand and ride stress efficiently and effortlessly.
In this second part of the workshop, we will look at the physiology of stress and the imprints it leaves on our hormonal system and our emotions.
Stress is known as the number one reason for mortality in the world. It makes our heart pound, our breathing quickens, our forehead sweat and we are all sadly subject to its powerful force. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new scientific research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. This workshop is a unprecedented opportunity to understand the mechanisms of stress and its impact on our bodies and psyche. We will look at it through the lens of anatomy and physiology, then present targeted asana postures that can help alleviate the unwanted imprints stress leaves on our body.
Understanding the mechanisms of stress in depth, can lead to perceiving it as a positive force of life, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction very much in line with the yoga philosophy of oneness: reaching out to others.
Some of the points that will be covered and divided in this two parts workshop:
• Defining stress and removing the negative connotation that has been associated with it. Presenting stress as the sum totality of changes that operate through us as a reflection of the necessary and evolutionary changes in our environment. Looking at stress as the mechanism by which the human species was able to adapt and evolve.
• Covering the three main systems that are affected by stress: Muscular, hormonal and immune
• The important role of the diaphragm muscle and breathing
• The consequences of adrenal fatigue.
• Fight, flight and freeze responses to stress.
• Normalization of the nervous system through meditation.
Expect fascinating and fun facts about your body and your mind, a deeper understanding of asanas and how they can transform the biology of stress, the role of meditation and the integration of the yoga philosophy to ward off the negative effects of stress.
You might walk out thinking stress is your friend rather than your worst arch nemesis.
After the workshop you can stay and hang out for the NEW SUMMER YOGA APPAREL COLLECTION LAUNCH / SATURDAY APRIL 9 / 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
We are inviting you to come take a peak into the new summer collection of yoga apparel provided by Wear Body and Mind. Uber cool tanks tops, bras and leggings.
Facebook Body & Mind
Instagram @wearbodyandmind
Nathalie Daher is an osteopath practicing in Achrafieh Beirut, after she certified from the Ecole Superieure d’Osteopathie in Paris in 2006.
Osteopathy offers a holistic approach of the body that encompasses the psycho-emotional, the visceral, and the musculoskeletal system. Her mission to help patients adapt and find balance within an environment as challenging as Lebanon, has deepened her understanding of the mechanism of stress and has propelled her practice of osteopathy to a more interesting dimension.
Passionately interested in growing her understanding of the human mechanics and mastery of Osteopathy, she seeks to acquire knowledge through different techniques and is currently enrolled in a five year post graduate program held in France
Danielle Abisaab is a 500 hours Registered Yoga Teacher. She completed her ISHTA NYC Yoga Teacher Training in 2003. She holds a certificate to teach Unnata Aerial Yoga since 2012 and has followed a restorative aerial yoga course with Anti-Gravity Yoga in 2012.
She is the founder of the funky Union Square Yoga in Beirut Lebanon, where she has been living since 2005. Her many years lived in NY have informed her personal life and yoga practice with depth and tremendous amounts of yoga knowledge. Constantly seeking for ways to improve her teaching skills, she travels regularly back to NYC to study with some of the most influential teachers in the US and has accumulated over 300 hours in continuing education over the course of the past 10 years.
Currently living in a challenging part of the world, she draws teachings from her everyday life as a way to grow spiritually. She strongly believes we are all teachers, we are all students, we are all one, and therefore thanks her lovely students for being a great source of inspiration, they make the expansion of her spirit possible; they are her gurus. Her classes whether Vinyasa Pop and Rock, Vinyasa Honey flow, Restorative or Aerial Yoga are infused with spirituality, laughter, fun and music.
Danielle’s wildest dream and hope is for every human on this planet to discover the magic of yoga one day.