VEGETARIANISM AND YOGA and how to do it the right way / SAT OCTOBER 25

Let Your Yoga and Food be Your Medicine and Your Medicine be Your Yoga and foodworkshop photo


When I did my first Teacher Training with Sri Dharma Mittra, we were recommended to transition into a vegetarian diet. As I take recommendations from people I appreciate and look up to very seriously, from one day to the other I turned vegetarian with no previous preparation. This somehow took its toll on me. For me vegetarianism was eating salads and carbohydrates such as normal pasta, bread, as well as cheeses. I felt that this is the only way. Until I started researching and taking courses that I learned what HEALTHY EATING really is.
Although it took me a long time to find that out, I am so glad to have finally gotten myself healthy through a whole food diet.
Since then, I have been giving workshops to yogis in my home city, Barcelona, on how to use food to become and stay healthy and specifically how to enjoy a healthy vegetarian diet.
This is why, through this workshop, I would like to share this knowledge with you to make your transition easier, faster and HEALTHY.

– Yoga’s Vegetarian Roots
– Ahimsa and Vegetarianism
– Types of Vegetarianism
– Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
– What to eat
– How to do the transition in a Healthy way

Dharma Yoga is a graceful, yet challenging form of yoga based on Sri Dharma Mittra’s almost fifty years of practice of classical yoga. The practice is appropriate for students of all levels, from beginner to lifelong practitioners and accessible to so many because it meets each student where they are and according to their condition. As students move through the different series, they are encouraged to go deeper and experience the practice in a meditative and spiritual way, with the ultimate goal of Self-realization (gaining absolute knowledge of the True Self) as reflected in all aspects of the Dharma Yoga system.
In essence, Dharma Yoga is a system of classical Hatha-Raja Yoga. A devotional practice that emphasizes good health, a clear mind and a kind heart. The method weaves together many teachings in order to bring all students closer to the goal of Self-realization.

Born in Beirut, Lebanon , Lived in Spain since 1988.
With a BA in psychology from AUB and an MBA from Esade.
20 years working in the business sector.
Certified yoga and meditation instructor with more than 500 hours training under the teachings of various great masters such as Sri Dharma Mittra, Andrei Ram, Amitai Cohen, Jai Sugrim, Ylanins Andritsos and others.
Certified Health Coach by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Nueva York and specialized in Clean and Healthy Eating, Detoxes and Elimination Diets. “Living consciously through Yoga and nutrition, have led me to higher state of consciousness and the search after truth. All this together have empowered me in such a way that now I can say I live the life I love and love the life I live, following my passion and sharing it whenever I can.“