Cosima Ardha Matsyandrasana


TIME: 5:00 pm > 7:00 pm
PRICE: $30
REGISTER: maysan.marouf@gmail.com

Dive into 2 hours of relaxation and release. Explore your muscles, fascia and bones and cultivate awareness to listen better to the needs of your unique body.

Maybe you now that feeling of pain in your lower back, your knees, or a shoulder? Or you just feel something in your body is out of balance. Or maybe it’s your mind that’s full with busy thoughts. In any way, this Yin & (self-) Thai Massage class can be a wonderful opportunity for you:
In these two hours, your mind can take a break, so you can tune in with a deeper sense of body and soul and follow an internal journey.

Taking a yin approach, we will dive deep into each pose, letting the body move and do it’s thing – without our sympathetic nervous system interfering. To support, we will use traditional Thai Massage principles on our own bodies.
Thai Massage emerged around the same time as yoga, ca. 2500 years ago. It’s ancient traditions and healing techniques have been passed down ever since, and are incredible tools to nurture and heal ourselves.
From my own experience and trainings, combining a soft yoga asana approach and Thai Massage feels natural. They are, in a nutshell, the same thing: Healing techniques. Techniques to feel more. To be with ourselves purely.

Join for this 2 hour workshop to breathe, relax and find space. The perfect start for a well-deserved weekend. Come and explore tools to feel your body more.


Cosima spent the past 11 years as a gypsy, floating around the globe, with her mat on her back. She explored yoga classes of different styles with countless teachers and until she fell in love with Jivamukti Yoga while doing her masters in Stockholm. She is an epidemiologist with a focus on preventative medicinga and completed her Jivamukti TT and Thai Yoga Massage formation in 2015. Now, Cosima travels between India, Thailand and Europe, sharing the practices she loves.