SPRING FEVER | March 21 | All day Workshops

As we are about to take the turn into the season of new beginnings, we are stoked to announce a special gathering at Union Square Yoga.

The premise and goal of this day is to focus on letting go of the winter’s slumber and touch on the beauty of blooming and renewal. After a long winter, spring equinox ushers a time where the energies of rebirthing and creativity are at their highest; an illuminating invitation to shed all our unwanted layers, open our hearts back up to new possibilities, delight in warmer days and cultivate an overall spirit of aliveness. 

Through Ancient practices, Sound Therapy, Yoga, Meditation, Sharing Circles, Mindfulness modalities, we will explore together the various and rich tools that can help promote and support this holistic detoxification journey of the body, mind and soul, so you can kick off this new season shining your brightest light.

Take a look, and if you feel the pull, we would be thrilled to have you spend that special day with us.



| 9:00 am > 10:30 am |

| Danielle Abisaab | Zena El Khalil | Rony Mecattaf |

DATE Saturday March 21

TIME 9:00 am > 10:30 am

PRICE 30.000 LBP

REGISTER email unionsquareyoga@gmail.com| Subject title: Cacao Ceremony

DESCRIPTION In a cacao ceremony, we work with the spirit of the plant as an opportunity to cultivate greater self-love and increased connectivity to ourselves and others, to support our healing and growth towards a more expanded state of consciousness individually and collectively, while celebrating light back into our days.

The spirit of Cacao coupled with the enchanting sounds of the gong are both catalysts for experiencing opening of the heart, effortless focus, greater connection to others, inspiration and creativity, and an overall sense of wellbeing


EAGLE AND CONDOR YOGA | Vinyasa Meets Kashmiri 

 | 11:00 am > 1:00 pm |

| Danielle Abisaab and Rony Mecattaf |

DATE Saturday March 21

TIME 11:00 am > 1:00 pm

PRICE 40.000 LP

REGISTER email unionsquareyoga@gmail.com| Subject title: Eagle and Condor

DESCRIPTION Along with Pranayama and Meditation, this workshop is about balancing the active qualities of a fiery Vinyasa practice with a more surrendered and soft Kashmiri Yoga sequence, allowing you to explore the intricate interplay between feminine and masculine energies within yourself as complementary, rather than dichotomous.

We offer these modalities as an opportunity to perhaps shift your perception of the feminine and the masculine beyond gender discrimination, and help nourish the possibility that the time has finally come for Eagles and Condors to soar together in ample spiraling circles of harmony.



| 2:30 pm > 4:30 pm |

| Rony Mecattaf |

DATE Saturday March 21

TIME 2:30 pm > 4:30 pm

PRICE 40.000 LP

REGISTER email rony@echmoun.com| Subject Title: Men’s Circle

DESCRIPTION Though many of the Personal Development workshops and Yoga classes are gathering more and more men, a majority of them are still composed of mostly female participants. This gathering, exclusively reserved for men, is an invitation to re-visit the (thankfully) antiquated Men’s Club formula, to address themes pertaining to Personal Growth and Healing, as opposed to cigar-smoking, political analyses and binge-alcohol drinking rituals.

The session will address specific themes around masculinity, spirituality, emotional self, leadership, fatherhood, work-life balance, allowing participants to explore and share their unique experience of those themes.



| 5:00 pm >7:00 pm |

| Ana Larriu |

DATE Saturday March 21

TIME 5:00 pm > 7:00 pm

PRICE 40.000 LP

REGISTER email unionsquareyoga@gmail.com| Subject title: Mindfulness Workshop

DESCRIPTION This workshop isn’t about spiritual practices, nor is it a relaxation method, nor a break from reality. It is a full awakening into our lives. Come on in…

Mindfulness trains the mind to be in full awareness of the present moment, to maintain the attention on just one thing at one time. It reveals simple yet powerful tools to help break the cycle of anxiety, stress, unhappiness & exhaustion.The immediate benefits are calmness & coming back to our body. Then follows mental agility as well as rebalance denergy. The end result is embracing a more present & meaningful life.

It is reconnection with our selves and others. It is easy, accessible, beautiful and oh so great. More than a technique, MINDFULNESS is a way of life.

Accessible to all, beginners to advance, this workshop introduces the informal practices of programs M.B.S.R. & M.B.C.T. (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction & Cognitive Therapy)