FACILITATORS Rony Mecattaf and Danielle Abisaab
DATE Saturday 14 March 2020
TIME 9:00 am to 6 pm | One hour Lunch Break
LOCATION Echmoun Center | Rachana (scroll down for details)
PRICE 220,000 LBP Registration and down-payment of 100,000 LBP is required to secure a place at the workshop.
REGISTER email rony@echmoun.com or +961 201 446
“Just” breathing
Techniques using breath (such as Pranayama, Holotropic Breathwork®, Rebirth, …) are powerful tools for inducing Modified States of Consciousness, that can generate a wealth of insights and realizations about our deep traumas, unhelpful behaviors, and unfinished business, as well as a new vision for our personal growth
Group work (whether through conversations or creative expression) is skillfully embedded in this breathwork day, to integrate the realizations and ensure commitment to change, all in the safe and secure setting of the Echmoun Center.
The workshop includes:
– Techniques of Breathwork
– Guided Meditations
– Healthy Lunch
– Personal Time
– Sharing Time
Echmoun Center
Situated in the town of Rachana – North Lebanon (Batroun area), 40kms north of Beirut, the nature-respecting Echmoun Center is designed to host Personal Development workshops.
Indications will be sent upon demand. Carpooling is advised.