THERAPEUTIC YOGA with Yalda Younes * FOCUS Lower Back and Hips

These series of workshops will focus on learning to engage the deep postural muscles while releasing the more superficial overused and stressed muscles around the pelvis and lower spine . A regular practice with this renewed postural awareness will lead to recreating a balance that restores more comfort in the lower back, freedom in the hips, stability in the legs and improved breath capacity. …

Sound Bath Meditation Journey * Zena El Khalil * Ginou Choueiri * Sophia Kosma

(S)he who knows the secret of sound, knows the mystery of the whole Universe. – Hazrat Inyat Khan

You are invited to a sound meditation journey that will allow you to express and reconnect with your authentic self, using the voice as an instrument. Using different sound and breathing techniques, participants will be guided to open their voice and quiet their minds.


Welcome to Ecstatic Dance Lebanon, an event brought to you by Juana Khandjian, in collaboration with Yoga instructor Danielle Abisaab Yoga Holic and DJ Jana Saleh

Ecstatic dance is a free form dance movement that has taken the world by storm. As its name suggests, those participating in this highly expressive and healing practice are able to reach altered states of mind, attaining a natural high that helps to release blocks and empower people to connect with themselves and their fellow participants in a truly profound way. …


At Union Square Yoga, we choose to highlight the importance of building your own daily meditation practice. Typically held on the first Thursday of every month, a one hour guided meditation designed to untangle yourself from the web of whirling mind stuff, and learn to drop into that place that knows. (not because it has more information, but simply because it knows). …

Therapeutic Yoga Workshop / Focus Neck and Shoulders * Yalda Younes

This workshop out of a series of workshops on Therapeutic Yoga  will focus on learning to lengthen and strengthen the neck, mobilize and stabilize the shoulders, and expand the rib cage. A regular practice with this renewed postural awareness will lead to more lightness in the chest, freedom in the neck, movement in the upper spine and improved breath capacity. …

Moment of Mindfulness MoM Workshop – Hani Chaabo US

MoM is a workshop that will give you a crash course in adopting a different perspective on life. It is adapted from the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, which is the most extensively studied mindfulness intervention in healthcare with proven benefits for hypertension, heart disease, weight loss, chronic pain, migraines, and mental health disorders including depression, anxiety and insomnia. …