NEW CLASS | Healing Trance with Marc Michael | Starts Thursday February 20

This workshop is designed to transmit the basic techniques of the healing trance. In this intentional and conscious state, participants will get to reconnect with their own self-regenerative potential, at the physical and mental levels. On a spiritual plane, this state allows a reconnection to the soul, as well as to the universal life force, the Source of creative inspiration, personal guidance, and greater existential wisdom. …

Men’s Circle | STARTS FEB 22 | A Series of Workshops for Men | Rony Mecattaf 

This series, reserved for men, is an invitation to re-visit the (thankfully) antiquated Men’s Club formula, to address themes pertaining to Personal Growth and Healing, as opposed to cigar-smoking, political analyses and binge-alcohol drinking rituals.

The sessions will each address specific themes (masculinity, spirituality, emotional self, leadership, fatherhood, work-life balance…) allowing participants to explore and share their unique experience of those themes. …

Sonic Journey into NEWNESS (A New Moon Special Edition) | Danielle Abisaab

This Sonic Journey Special Edition takes advantage of the powerful New Moon in Aquarius to work closely within its forth-moving and groundbreaking principles. A New Moon is a time of fresh starts, bringing with it a keenness to look ahead while planting new seeds. This one’s particular signature is calling us to become less reactive and more proactive. …

NEW 6 MODULES COURSE ** Tantrik Sound Alchemy with Zena El Khalil

In these 40 days, Zena el Khalil will lead you through a transformative experience through tantra and mantra meditation, gently tuning your body to receive the most profound mystical union through the yoga of sound. Find your voice, express and sing your heart’s true desire, all the while diving deep into Tantrik philosophy, Non-Dual Kashmir Shaivism, the basics of Sanskrit and sound as medicine for the soul. …

NEW CLASS * Alchemy Sound Therapy with Zena El Khalil

Everything that moves vibrates, from the smallest atom to the Universe itself. Ancient cultures revered sound so deeply, they believed it called the Universe into being. Spirituality calls this point of origin Auṁ. Science calls it the Big Bang. Both schools of thought agree that from that point, all expansion happened through vibration and movement. Crystal Tones Alchemy Singing Bowls are infused to carry specific frequencies and properties that are multi-layered and work on many aspects of the human psyche- they are celestial connectors to the frequency of your personal Being.  …

Sonic Journey into INTENTIONALITY | Restorative Yoga and Live Sound with DANIELLE ABISAAB

Sonic Journeys are all about learning to drop in a space of non-judgmental presence of all that is as it is, enabling growth in our capacity to attain the level of awareness where previously inconceivable things become suddenly available.

If any of this reverberates some truth, come and immerse your self, in the sounds of ancient healing instruments.  …

HAPPY NEW ERA EVENT | A special gathering with *Danielle Abisaab *Zena El Khalil *Rony Mecattaf and *YOU

2020 is around the corner and is already ushering an exhilarating new beginning for us all, individually and globally. As we step into this new decade with pressure at its highest, things appear to be closing down on us, we feel compressed, pressured, squeezed and boxed in, when in truth we are experiencing the total opposite of that. …

SONIC JOURNEY INTO SILENCE | Restorative Yoga and Meditation | Danielle Abisaab

With everything that is happening outside of, and within ourselves, due to the ambient situation, the state of the country, the year coming to its closure, the noise in our heads, it is crucial that we practice tapping into our inner silence so that all external sounds and mental chatter fade away. 

As dichotomous as it may seem, one way to access this inner silence is by placing our attention onto sound, as the ultimate guide gently accompanying us into the deeper and quieter layers of our being, where silence permanently resides.